Four Major Hazards of Incorrect Use of Toothpicks


The first is that poorly sterilized and poorly managed toothpicks are susceptible to disease. A variety of bacteria and viruses can enter the body through the toothpick on the toothpick that anyone grabs. According to the department of health, tens of thousands of bacteria can be found on a small toothpick.
Second, improper use of the toothpick will cause periodontal disease. If no plug tooth surface and disorderly teeth or improper use toothpicks can form gingivitis, gingival recession, tooth gap enlargement in the periodontal disease, must not to press the toothpick force into the nipple area between teeth, because this will make the original teeth without gap gap increases the formation of periodontal disease.
The third is that careless handling of toothpicks can be life-threatening. According to jinan stomatological hospital, there are consumers for diao toothpick accidentally swallowed into belly inside, in the small intestine, the hospital urgent surgical operation was extracted from the body, almost lost his life, recently the hospital has treated two patients with similar.
The fourth is that wooden toothpicks are expensive to make. According to relevant calculations, the country will spend more than 600 billion toothpicks every year. The production of bamboo requires 1.4 million tons of bamboo, equivalent to 700,000 mu of bamboo material, South Korea, Japan and other developed countries have banned all wooden toothpicks. At the same time, toothpick production process and the use of the environmental pollution.